Sunday, November 28, 2010

Recovering... from Thanksgiving

So the title pretty much says it all. Basically I don't expect to lose too much weight over the next month but... we never stop trying, right? I think I'll ease out of this food stupor with a diet of 500 calories over the next week. After that is a friggen vacation and weekend-long food encounters/possible binges. Family vacations. Ring any bells? Anyway, that's what I'm in for. Not bad just awkward and slightly depressing I suppose. I guess that's what it means to stay strong.

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog! :D Had to google it--blogger wouldn't let me look at your profile.

    Good luck with the post-Thanksgiving diet! This time of year is the hardest with all the holidays. Thanks for the comment on the vlog. I'd love to have Christmas festivities with you! ;)
